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Our vision is to see the books of acts lived in the most persecuted regions of the world

Modern day crusades and conferences have been birthed and multiplied across the globe. These events are fun, gather crowds and ignite hope in the hearts of many. I’ve had the joy of being a part of several, but my observation is that thus far— they have not transformed nations. What I have learned in reading about Church history is that moves of God start with a smaller crowd that spreads far and wide!


At Robby Dawkins Ministries, our vision is to follow the instructions Paul left us in Ephesians 4:11-12, to “equip the saints to do the work of the ministry”. Simply put: everyone gets to play. As an equipper in the body of Christ, it’s my desire to bring my practical ministry training style to the most intensely persecuted places in the world. We are currently focused on Muslim nations in the Middle East and Central Asia. Our mission is to equip and coach these indigenous people with powerful biblical harvesting tools demonstrated in the Gospels and the book of Acts: to operate in signs and wonders, healing, prophetic, breaking demonic power, experiencing God’s manifest presence and raising the dead, all to lead people into a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. 


Will you join us in seeing global transformation come to the most dangerous nations in the world? 

  • How does it work?
    We equip others by putting on multi-week intensive power evangelism schools all over the world. These schools are taught in people’s native languages and a context appropriate for where most of their evangelism will be taking place.
  • What makes this unique?
    We use a hybrid approach of teaching and sending. During these intensives, believers (most of whom have experienced a power encounter themselves) will receive teaching from Robby and his team, and be sent out immediately to apply what they’ve learned. Having a training period of 2 weeks time to learn and practice will enable believers to encourage each other, ask questions, and receive feedback from Robby and local leaders as they grow in their kingdom destiny.
  • What makes it spread?
    A portion of class and application time will be spent on training others on how to train others. Our goal is that those who attend will be able to do more than power evangelism themselves, but will learn how to teach those in their communities to do the same. We want to see leaders forming leaders, disciples making disciples, and equippers equipping.

How to support

In my experience as a minister, I have been to 59 different countries, and 6 of the most dangerous countries in the world according to Voice of the Martyrs. Support me in both prayer and finances as you join me in a step of faith to live radically. Your giving will contribute to this incredible vision the Lord has placed on my heart–I believe these schools will have a long-lasting impact on lives, families, churches, and generations!

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